SOLIDWORKS VBA macro to copy preselected faces
description: SOLIDWORKS VBA macro to copy selected faces by calling the "Surface Offset" feature with distance 0
Author: Eddy Alleman
This VBA macro creates a new surface feature from selected faces in a part file. Thus duplicating the selected surfaces and giving it a predefined color.
This can be usefull if you want to reuse existing surfaces and don't want to consolidate existing ones.
We also added the number of faces that were copied in the feature name to distinguish it from manually created ones.
Steps to take
* A part file must be the active document.
* You have to select at least one face.
* If you select other types of entities, they will be filtered out.
* Run the macro. As the result a Surface Offset is created of the selected faces with distance 0
* This feature will get a yellow color by default, but you can change the RGB color to set another one.
Option Explicit
' INPUT You can change to another RGB color here (This example uses yellow)
Const RED = 255
Const GREEN = 255
Const BLUE = 0
Dim swxApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim selMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Sub main()
On Error GoTo catch_
Set swxApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swxApp.ActiveDoc
'Check if active document is a Part file
Select Case True
Case swModel Is Nothing, swModel.GetType <> swDocPART
Call swxApp.SendMsgToUser2("Please open a part file", swMbInformation, swMbOk)
Case Else
Call ProcessSelectedFaces
End Select
GoTo finally_:
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Function ProcessSelectedFaces() As Boolean
EnableUpdates False
Set selMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
'Get number of selections
Dim nSelections As Integer
nSelections = selMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
'only process if there is something selected
If nSelections > 0 Then
Call RemoveNonFacesFromSelection
'Get the number of selected faces
Dim nFaces As Integer
nFaces = selMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
If nFaces > 0 Then
'Offset selected faces
swModel.InsertOffsetSurface 0#, False
'Give a name to the newly created offset feature
Dim featOffset As Feature
Set featOffset = swModel.Extension.GetLastFeatureAdded
featOffset.Name = featOffset.Name & " Offsets " & nFaces & " Faces"
'give the offset feature a color
Call SetColor(featOffset)
' Deselect face to see new color
swModel.ClearSelection2 True
End If 'nFaces > 0
End If 'nSelections > 0
EnableUpdates True
End Function
Private Function EnableUpdates(update As Boolean)
With swModel
.FeatureManager.EnableFeatureTree = update
.ActiveView.EnableGraphicsUpdate = update
End With
End Function
'Removes entities that are not faces from the selection manager
Private Function RemoveNonFacesFromSelection()
'Get number of selections
Dim nSelections As Integer
nSelections = selMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To nSelections
Dim ObjectType As Long
ObjectType = selMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(i, -1)
If ObjectType <> swSelectType_e.swSelFACES Then
Dim res As Boolean
res = selMgr.DeSelect2(i, -1)
End If
End Function
'Sets the INPUT color on a feature
Private Function SetColor(ByRef Feat As Feature) As Boolean
'get material properties from model
Dim MatProp As Variant
MatProp = swModel.MaterialPropertyValues
' set color fi. RGB(225, 255 , 0), but we need them to be in range 0 to 1
MatProp(0) = RED / 255
MatProp(1) = GREEN / 255
MatProp(2) = BLUE / 255
SetColor = Feat.SetMaterialPropertyValues(MatProp)
End Function